I grew frustrated that in some cases, the least dedicated agents were getting the most clients. They owned internet real estate (AKA paid ads) and every Google search leads to them. Many relocaters found me after moving to town and expressed their disappointment they didn't know me before. I'm putting my knowledge of the industry to use to help you find the best relocation expert in your future town.

Here's the short version: I have a Bechelors of Science in elementary and special education. I decided after student teaching that I wasn't superhero enough to be a teacher in today's world. I married my husband and now pastor, Trevor, was gifted two perfectly rambunctious girlies, and started a career in real estate. I built a life and career in a town where I knew no one. It was hard and fun. 

I'm a licensed realtor®, who built a 5 star real estate business in a new town, And now I'm here to help people relocate all over the U.S.

I'm passionate about helping people who are in the overwhelm of a relocation.

“We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” -Walt Disney

I'm Laura of Laura Makes Moves, Founder/CEO

So... are you a realtor? Or what?

I want you to have a relocation experience like this:

"Professional and personable, service oriented and caring, Laura listens to your needs/wishes. She is very intelligent, proactive and thorough (all with a great sense of humor)"

"She was wonderful to work with, super responsive to all requests, and found me the perfect home. Her focus is on ensuring her clients learn not only about the real estate market in Aiken, but the overall community."

I earned 5 star reviews from my clients because I know what it takes to successfully relocate. I will find you an agent who offers the same 5 star service.

I want to get between you and the google search. I'm a real person, with real experience, working to hire you an amazing realtor®

Listen, I'm gonna give it to you straight. Agent finding sites (you know the ones) barely qualify the agents they recommend.

A lil' about me

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Inefficiency. Move at your own pace but oh please don't waste precious resources like your time- you never get it back!

my big pet-peeve:

Somewhere new. I've got my sights set on Scotland next.

fav. place to jet-set:

Life itself. What a glorious gift from God! Hard days and wonderful days, they are all such an adventure.

i'm most thankful for:

A London fog latte, hot or cold. I have these every afternoon so I guess I celebrate making it to the end of the day.

my celebratory drink:

Get ready for my unique taste: Owl City, The Band Camino, Kings Kaleidoscope, and Tophouse.
Never heard of them? Look 'em up.

my ride or die band:

Don't know if I've actually ever read a book more than once. I'm always on to something new.

could read over and over:

Whole wheat spagghetti noodles with olive oil and fresh cracked pepper. Weird... I know.

always binge-eating:

Any provocative documentary series. After the kids go down I bust out my secret dessert and get to watching.

watching without shame:

Don't Google "real estate agent in x town"

Or do. And when it all becomes too much to sift and sort through, come back here. 

Through my time working in the industry I've learned a lot about what's all smoke and mirrors and what really counts when hiring a real estate agent. Using specific qualifiers, I'll sort out the best agents in your town and then interview a few to find the ultimate best fit for your needs.

I'm taking what I know about how to relocate well, and combining it with what I've learned about the real estate industry.

now that you know a little about me, it's time for you to learn more about what i do.

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